Experiencing God - Loving People

"Look on the fields, for they are ripe already for harvest" John 4:35b

our people

Pastor Daryl & Debbie Finney
Pastor Daryl & Debbie Finney met at Turlock High School, from where they each graduated. Daryl went to Modesto Junior College, graduating with an Associate of the Arts degree in Business Administration. Both Daryl & Debbie are alumni of California State University Stanislaus. Debbie went on to earn her Masters Degree in Education from California State University Stanislaus.
After concluding their collegiate studies they were married in 1987. They have been blessed with four wonderful Children, and as of the writing of this bio are the Grandparents of 2 amazing grandchildren (Girl & Boy), and are expecting another very soon (also a boy).
Daryl felt the call of God to ministry at the age of 13, and has served in the church before and since that time, beginning in the Worship Arts.
God shared, with Pastor Daryl (1986), His vision to Unify the Body of Christ in Turlock with Pastor Daryl. Also, that the result of that work of God in HIs Bride, will set in motion a move of God that will powerfully affect the entire State of California. Mixing it up with all believers & churches, getting to know one another while serving God together, is their desire.
Daryl & Debbie love the Body of Christ and consider serving it as the highest honor bestowed on them by God.

Glenda Hoxie - Administrator
Glenda is our Administrator, and so much more. She works tirelessly to serve the Body of Christ, not only here at Four Seasons Christian Fellowship, but anywhere she can in the Body of Christ.
Here love and devotion to our Savior, Jesus Christ, carries over into every sphere that her life touches.
She, and her husband Jim, are pillars upon which God is building His Church. They are faithful servants, intercessors, and friends, whose delight is to reveal the person of Jesus to all they come in contact with.
Glenda and Jim's testimony is one of the grace of God, His faithful and relentless love. They are blessed with several children and grandchildren
We are grateful for God's provision in the person of Glenda.
our mission
Experiencing God - Loving People
"Our mission is to Experience God through Intimate, Personal Fellowship with Him, to Know & Grow into His Unconditional Love for us, and through our Experience with Him, Love Others by Joyfully Sharing what We Have Found in Jesus."
"A lot of people know About God and that does little for them. But, once a person comes to Know and Experience the Living God, through Jesus Christ His Son, well, that Changes Everything!"
our vision
Outward Vision: Looking Outward, into our community, to; Expand God's Kingdom where we live, work and play & Facilitate & Participate in the Unified Body of Christ.
Unlimited Vision: Through obedience and increasing faith, never limiting Vision by the limitations of human reason, comprehension or wisdom.
Realized Vision: Committed BOTH to Prayer and to Labor, by the power of the Holy Spirit, remain faithful to the work of the Kingdom; sowing, watering & reaping the harvest.
Inward Vision: Following the Acts 2:42 model, building Relationships within the Church, socially and spiritually, through the study and preaching of God's Word, prayer and fellowship, growing into a Unified Body of Christ, witnessing the reality and existence of our Savior by the Love we have for each other.
Dynamic Vision: Recognizing the Human tendency toward Inertia, resist allowing today's vision to become tomorrow's tradition. We will Strive to hear God's voice receiving & pursuing His new direction for each season.